Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

The Key

Yoooo man.....
When a dark fog cover your soul
When a great lightning surrounding your heart
And when a lava submerge your mind
Just remember....remember the happy moment you ever have...
Happy moment with people you love
Don't get scared.....fight it back...with your power...with people that love you's help
If you scared,it's okay....there's no brave without afraid....
But...if you give up,there's no exception....
Do you know Einstein....he was the most stupid student in the elementary school...
But because his guts,tu never give up.....he become the most legendary scientist in the world...and all of ages...
So the conclusion is....your friend's help and their feeling to you,and the guts to never give up....
Is the key to conquer the world

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